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Eid Al Fitr 2024: Where to watch fireworks in Dubai and Abu Dhabi

With Eid Al Fitr expected to start on Tuesday or Wednesday next week, the UAE has announced a week-long holiday for public sector employees, starting from Monday, April 8. Several venues have planned firework displays that will light the skies to celebrate the occasion.
Here are some of the places where you can watch the fireworks in Abu Dhabi and Dubai.
The man-made island opposite JBR will host a firework display on the third day of the Eid Al Fitr holiday, at 8pm.
The show can be viewed from the island’s promenade, the bridge connecting Bluewaters and JBR, or from one of several restaurants dotted along the waterfront.
The Creek at Al Seef is a quaint yet vibrant area and includes a 1.8km promenade, two heritage districts, a marina and restaurants. These spots will offer views of the fireworks on the second day of Eid, at 8pm.
The multicultural attraction is going out with a bang before it closes its doors for the summer, with daily musical fireworks planned at 9pm each day from April 10 to 14. The open-air park will also have an Eid Wonder Souq, with kiosks offering themed gifts, souvenirs and food.
The mall’s Festival Bay will host displays at 10pm each night from April 5 to 7, to mark the last week of Ramadan. A special display will also be held in the area at 8pm on the first day of Eid.
Head to Riverland on the first and second days of Eid Al Fitr to catch a firework show at 9pm. The family-friendly theme park will also put on daily laser shows three times each evening from April 10 to 12.
The night sky will light up during the firework display at this family-friendly spot, known as Abu Dhabi’s adventure playground. The show is set to take place in Marsana at 9pm on the first day of Eid. The island will also host an Eid-themed event from 5pm to 11pm on day two of the holiday, complete with an outdoor cinema, a henna station, gaming and children’s zones, roaming carnival performers and a DJ.
Both Yas Marina and Yas Bay Waterfront will provide Eid entertainment with an eye-catching display of fireworks. The shows will take place at 9pm on each night of Eid Al Fitr.
The mountainous Dubai town will put on a firework show at 8pm on the first day of Eid, illuminating the record-breaking Hatta sign to glorious effect. Visitors can also expect a 30 per cent discount on all Hatta Outdoor packages in Wadi Hub, from ziplining and wall-climbing to archery and net-walking, through the Eid Al Fitr break.
