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Martyrs’ Day 2024: Date, history and significance of Shaheed Diwas

Mahatma Gandhi Punyatithi 2024: Mahatma Gandhi is the Father of the Nation. One of the legendary advocates of peace, Gandhi led the freedom movement in India while he embraced non-violent and peaceful ways of fighting against the British rule. The British ruled India for over 200 years – Mahatma Gandhi was the one who proposed that we can fight the British through non-violent methods. However, Mahatma Gandhi was shot briefly after the country gained independence. On January 30, 1948, Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated. Every year, he is remembered on his death anniversary as the people of the country observe Mahatma Gandhi Punyatithi.
Mahatma Gandhi Punyatithi is a sad day for us as we lost a great visionary and the father of the nation. As we observe the day, here are a few things to remember:
ALSO READ: The enduring power of Gandhi’s ideology
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On January 30, during Mahatma Gandhi’s evening prayer at Birla Bhavan, Delhi, he was shot thrice by Nathuram Vinayak Godse. In November 1949, Godse was sentenced to death.
On January 30, 1948, Mahatma Gandhi was on his way to address an evening prayer meeting at Birla Bhavan, Delhi along with his grandnieces. At around 5:17 PM, Nathuram Godse – a Hindu nationalist – fired three bullets from a pistol into Mahatma Gandhi’s chest. According to records, Gandhi died instantly. Mahatma Gandhi was a legendary peace advocate and a visionary who preached of non-violent ways of fighting the British and gaining independence for the country.
Mahatma Gandhi is known all over the country for influencing minds for practising peace and non-violence. He influenced people both in India as well as abroad. Mahatma Gandhi’s birth anniversary – October 2 – is celebrated as The International Day of Non-violence. It was proposed by the United Nations General Assembly. School Day of Nonviolence and Peace is observed on Mahatma Gandhi’s death anniversary– this day is dedicated to chiseling young minds in schools to explore peaceful ways of conflict resolution.
